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  • Time Under Tension Is A Scam
    Lately if you follow any “science backed” fitness coach or influencer they’re all saying that time under tension for muscle hypertrophy is outdated and you’re an idiot if you still believe in it. But is it really fake? No. But, yeah it kind of is. It’s a bit complicated but since no one actually explains…
  • I’m Squatting Every Workout For 100 Days | The Program
    Getting better at anything usually requires you to do more of the thing. I wanted to test out this theory and see how many pounds I can add to my squat if I squatted every training session for 100 days. To be clear, I’m not squatting everyday for 100 days. I’m squatting every time I…
  • 3 More Lifestyle Habits to Give You New Life
    Show me your habits, and I’ll show you your future.” Or so the saying goes. It begs an urgent question: Are your daily lifestyle habits giving you more life, leaving you stagnant, or are they slowly killing you? You are the product of your daily habits. Your entire life is the result of the thousands…
  • Minimalism in Fitness: Do Less to Do More
    I don’t know when it became the norm to do dozens of exercises each time you go to the gym. Back day has you doing 6 different variations of rows, leg day has you doing 8 kinds of lunges… What on earth is the point? Let’s take a moment to learn from minimalism. You don’t…
  • 3 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Gains
    Being fit, strong, and healthy is hard work. You work hard at the gym, lift heavy, and run hard. It would be such a shame to have the gains from all of that hard work robbed from you. And you might be doing just that with these bad habits. Here are 3 things that could…
  • This Exercise May Save Your Life
    She struggled to stand up from her chair. Once on my exam table, it took all of her strength to roll from her side to her stomach. She needed help to return back to her side, then back to a sitting position. During our initial chat, she informed me that she fell a few nights…

Strength and Conditioning

  • I’m Squatting Every Workout For 100 Days | The Program
    Getting better at anything usually requires you to do more of the thing. I wanted to test out this theory and see how many pounds I can add to my squat if I squatted every training session for 100 days. To be clear, I’m not squatting everyday for 100 days. I’m squatting every time I…
  • Minimalism in Fitness: Do Less to Do More
    I don’t know when it became the norm to do dozens of exercises each time you go to the gym. Back day has you doing 6 different variations of rows, leg day has you doing 8 kinds of lunges… What on earth is the point? Let’s take a moment to learn from minimalism. You don’t…
  • I Forbid You To Max Out During Every Workout
    My wife and I often let friends and budding gym goers lift with us. I don’t mind. I enjoy having a good community of lifters and I love teaching others about lifting. One friend got into lifting about a year ago and loves it. He is still a relative novice but you can’t beat his…
  • Weekly Roundup: Best Articles and Books on Strength, Fitness, Life
    Another week, another set of fantastic, info-packed literature! Sorry about the ridiculous stock photo for the article pic…
  • Don’t Give Up On Your New Years Resolutions. Yet.
    It’s about that time of the year. Gyms will slowly become less crowded. Lines at fast food chains become longer. The highway is riddled with the mangled remains of New Years Resolutions that got tossed aside for an easier life. I can’t fault people for this. Change is hard. But I know that you don’t…
  • Weekly Roundup: The Best Articles On Strength and Fitness
    Here are the top 10 research articles, blog posts, or books on strength and fitness that I’ve found value in recently. (All links open in a new tab). If you have any blogs or articles you enjoy reading, please let me know in the comments! Let’s gather some good information!

Peak Health

  • 3 More Lifestyle Habits to Give You New Life
    Show me your habits, and I’ll show you your future.” Or so the saying goes. It begs an urgent question: Are your daily lifestyle habits giving you more life, leaving you stagnant, or are they slowly killing you? You are the product of your daily habits. Your entire life is the result of the thousands…
  • 3 Lifestyle Habits to Give You New Life
    Are you living, staying stagnant, or dying? Before you answer, take a hard look at your daily habits. If you want to see your future, you can disregard your beliefs, values, and pointless platitudes you recite to sound deep. If you want to see your future, look at your habits. Does your day to day…
  • Weekly Roundup: Best Articles and Books on Strength, Fitness, Life
    Another week, another set of fantastic, info-packed literature! Sorry about the ridiculous stock photo for the article pic…
  • 4 Easy Ways To Battle Brain Fog That Most People Forget
    Brain fog sucks. Our brain power is the most important biological asset we possess. It controls our thoughts, cognition, and perception of the world. It’s no wonder we spend so much time and resources optimizing brain function and eliminating brain fog. Nootropics and brain supplements have been becoming all the rage lately. While there is…
  • 5 Tips To Quickly Get Over Jet Lag
    Jet lag is awful. I’m writing this at 5am after returning to California from Japan. Yesterday I woke up at noon. This morning I woke up at 3am and couldn’t fall back asleep. Jet lag typically hits hardest when you travel east and cross two or more timezones. The resulting chaos on your circadian rhythm…
  • The Secret To Longevity: Living a Long and Fulfilled Life
    We see these trends everyday. Do this everyday to live longer. The one exercise to ensure your longevity. The one habit to a healthier life. This is the secret to live a long and fulfilled life… And I get it. Reducing everything down to a single habit or product to ensure our health and longevity…

Weight Loss

  • The Mindset You Need To Take Control Of Your Health
    The internet is flooded with health and fitness tips. You can’t escape it. It’s everywhere. The fitness industry is a 30 billion dollar industry. Search for a new diet or exercise plan, and thousands will come funneling into your computer. But none of it will help you. In fact, nothing will help you unless you…
  • The Best Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss
    If you’re looking for exercises to lose weight, you’ve probably heard from somewhere that you need to do cardio. Go out and run, jog on a treadmill, hop on an elliptical, or ride a stationary bike for an hour. Do that everyday for weight loss. Nope. That sounds like hell to me. Boring, time consuming,…
  • Sticking to New Habits: Decreasing the Resistance
    Starting a new habit or breaking an old one is hard. It’s the reason why supplements and hacks have such a giant market. An effective ways to overcome this challenge is by reducing the amount of resistance to these good habits, or increase the amount of resistance that it takes to engage in a bad…

Movement Science

  • Time Under Tension Is A Scam
    Lately if you follow any “science backed” fitness coach or influencer they’re all saying that time under tension for muscle hypertrophy is outdated and you’re an idiot if you still believe in it. But is it really fake? No. But, yeah it kind of is. It’s a bit complicated but since no one actually explains…
  • This Exercise May Save Your Life
    She struggled to stand up from her chair. Once on my exam table, it took all of her strength to roll from her side to her stomach. She needed help to return back to her side, then back to a sitting position. During our initial chat, she informed me that she fell a few nights…
  • Weekly Roundup: Best Articles and Books on Strength, Fitness, Life
    Another week, another set of fantastic, info-packed literature! Sorry about the ridiculous stock photo for the article pic…
  • 1 Exercise That Will Bulletproof Your Hamstrings
    The best way to treat a hamstring injury is to prevent it from happening. Once they happen, they become a real b**ch to rehabilitate. The best way to prevent injury is to make the muscle as strong as possible but adequately loading the hamstrings can be cumbersome and challenging if you don’t have regular access…
  • Mobility vs Stability in Strength and Fitness
    People will often get caught up in the difference between mobility vs stability. They’ve become buzzwords in the fitness community, and if you’re not addressing them, then it may feel like something is being neglected. But what on earth is mobility and what is stability? Most fitness coaches and trainers have a hard time differentiating…
  • Runners Should Lift Weights Part 2
    In part 1, we explored common technical faults and injuries of running that can be remedied with strength training. As mentioned in the previous post, running is a strenuous activity. Proper technique requires a certain level of strength. In this post, we will go over the various performance gains runners can expect from strength training.…

Hi I’m Dr. Ken Okada

I’m on a mission to simplify your health and fitness journey.

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