5 Ways To Instantly Lift More Weight and Break Records

Anyone who knows me know that I love principles and philosophies, especially if they are somewhat rooted in science.

One thing I hate are hacks. You know. The little “tips and tricks” that Instagram gurus and ads will sell to you like, “This one breathing exercise made me lose 48 inches around my waist!” or, “This one food will detoxify your entire rectum!”

That shit always infuriates me for two reasons. For one, these people usually have such a mediocre understanding of fitness and training that they have yet to solve a single person’s health and fitness problems. Second, they prey on vulnerable people who don’t know any better.

So let me give one back to them. Here are 5 ways to actually lift more weight and get stronger today.

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3 Exercises To Bulletproof Your Legs

Lower extremity injuries are all too common from the average person to the elite athlete. Often, these injuries are predictable and thus preventable through proper training and maintenance.

Before we run through the exercises, we need to establish a few principles to work with.

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