The Mindset You Need To Take Control Of Your Health

The internet is flooded with health and fitness tips. You can’t escape it. It’s everywhere. The fitness industry is a 30 billion dollar industry. Search for a new diet or exercise plan, and thousands will come funneling into your computer.

But none of it will help you.

In fact, nothing will help you unless you change your mindset. It’s the root of all behavior change and what drives every one of your decisions, and this particular mindset will help you take control of your health:

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The Best Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss

If you’re looking for exercises to lose weight, you’ve probably heard from somewhere that you need to do cardio. Go out and run, jog on a treadmill, hop on an elliptical, or ride a stationary bike for an hour. Do that everyday for weight loss.


That sounds like hell to me. Boring, time consuming, and probably ineffective hell.

Here’s the first thing you need to know about cardiovascular exercise for fat loss: medium does not exist.

Exercising for weight loss/fat loss needs to be intense.

Medium intensity, long duration exercise like jogging is not conducive for fat loss, athletic performance, or calorie burn. The science is clear. Jogging only results in disappointment.

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