In one of my recent posts, I discussed that the 3 elements to training are max strength, speed/power, and volume (building mass). In traditional Western periodization, these elements are all divided into different phases. You have a base phase to gain mass and improve fitness, a phase to improve power, and a phase to improve absolute strength.
This method is flawed because by the time you hit the end of a phase, you have already lost a lot of the elements gained in the previous phase.
The conjugate method is a way to train all elements simultaneously. You consistently rotate the exercises that you are using every 1-3 weeks. On max effort days, the main lift focuses on max strength. This is followed by assistance/accessory lifts to attack weak points and introduce more volume.
On dynamic effort days, the main lift will focus on speed and power, followed by assistance and accessory work.
Day 1 – Max Effort Upper Body
GPP: Push up 4×15, Face pull 4×15
- Snatch Variation or Jump Variation: 3×3
- Press Variation: Top set of 1-5 reps. Then, reduce load by 10-20% and AMRAP (optional).
- Heavy Triceps: 4×6-10
- Back: 3×10-20
- Lats: 3×8-15
- Biceps: 2×8-12
Day 2 – Dynamic Effort Lower Body
GPP: Step up 4×15
- Jump Variation: 5×3
- Power Clean Variation: 3×3
- Squat Variation: 10-12 sets x 2 reps @ 55-65% with bands
- Low Back/Hamstrings: 3×6-8
- Abs: 3 sets
Day 3 – Dynamic Effort Upper Body
GPP: Push up 4×15, Face pull 4×15
- Press Variation: 6-8 sets x 3 reps @ 55-65% with bands
- Back: 4×6-10
- Shoulders: 3×8-12
- Lats: 3×8-12
- Triceps: 2×8-15
- Biceps: 2×8-12
Day 4 – Max Effort Lower Body
GPP: Step up 4×15
- Snatch: Top set 1-3 reps
- Power Clean: Top set 1-3 reps
- Squat Variation: Top set 1-5 reps. Then, reduce load by 10-20% and AMRAP (optional).
- Low Back/Hamstrings: 3×6-10
- Unilateral Variation: 2×8-20
- Abs: 3 sets