4 Easy Ways To Battle Brain Fog That Most People Forget

Brain fog sucks.

Our brain power is the most important biological asset we possess. It controls our thoughts, cognition, and perception of the world. It’s no wonder we spend so much time and resources optimizing brain function and eliminating brain fog.

Nootropics and brain supplements have been becoming all the rage lately. While there is some evidence to support their use, I don’t think they have any value if you’re using them as a crutch to offset bad habits. It’s like trying to make up for an atrocious diet with some omegas and a scoop of protein powder.

If you aren’t doing the minimum of maintaining your body’s function, no amount of supplementation will help you. So, here are 4 easy ways to eliminate brain fog before you even consider expensive supplements.

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One strange morning habit that helps me stay focused

A morning routine and ritual are mainstays in the self-help and entrepreneur space.

Proponents rave about how successful people always have a morning routine to “win the day” or to get them centered. Make your bed. Coffee. Journal. Express gratitude. Exercise. Read. Meditate.

I get it. Focus is a scarce resource these days. If you’re trying to advance towards your goals, you need to avoid brain fog, being unfocused, and being unmotivated like the plague.

I still have a daily morning routine. I’ve pared it down by quite a bit and I’ll admit, it helps me gain momentum at the beginning of the day. I still drink coffee, meditate, and write in a journal.

But there’s something I do that helps me stay more focused than any amount of meditation or journaling can.

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One Cheap Hack To Do Every Morning This Winter

With winter fast approaching, the weather is getting colder and wetter. The sun is in the sky for less and less time, and with that, there are some problems that we can anticipate will happen.

Lack of sunlight causes a wide variety of problems. Our circadian rhythm is synchronized to the rising and setting of the sun. When we do not get enough exposure to the sun, it can throw off our natural sleep-wake cycle, affect our mood, and overall health.

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This is the REAL Foundation of Your Health and Fitness…

Look at any fitness magazine, blog, Instagram influencer, and you will be inundated with dozens of new “discoveries” that claim to be the next best thing, promising to bolster your health and “optimizing” your wellness with gimmicks and hacks.

It might be a new diet trend, soft tissue gun, apparel, supplement, or god forbid, another shake weight.

Remember that the old cliche is true: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. There is no way to replace a foundation of good habits and behaviors with gimmicks.

If you don’t do this ONE thing, you can say goodbye to a majority of the gains from all of your efforts…

That one thing… is…

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The Basics of Mindfulness Meditation to Reboot Your Brain

In my last post, I outlined seven benefits of meditation but I realize that I didn’t mention how to actually meditate.

I failed as a writer and educator… so I’m here to redeem myself and explain how to actually meditate.

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7 Reasons You Should Meditate – Evidence-Based Brain Rewiring

Meditation and mindfulness is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, but it has recently seen a surge in popularity in the self-help, improvement, and mental health spaces, and for good reason. Meditation has extensive benefits and is one of the few “brain rewiring” practices that actually has evidence to back it up.

Here are seven benefits to meditation.

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