9/10/2020 Program Update


This program will be done for 3 weeks.

Strength is the priority. General physical preparedness, or overall fitness, is the foundation.

Substitute any lift that you cannot perform or do not know how to perform.

The volume for the main lift is as follows:

  • Week 1: 3×8
  • Week 2: 4×6
  • Week 3: 2×5

Push so that you have about 1-2 reps left in the tank on the last set. These do not include warm up sets. You can increase the weight during the work sets if necessary.

Day 1

GPP: Push Up 4×15, Face Pull 4×15

  1. Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 3x(2+1)
  2. Bench Press (Main Lift)
  3. Row 4×6-10
  4. Shoulder Complex 3 rounds
    1. Lateral Raise 3×12-15
    2. Band Reverse Fly 3×12-15
  5. Jack Knife Pull Up 3×12
  6. Triceps extension variation 2×12
  7. Biceps Curl variation 2×8

Day 2

GPP: Step Up 4×15

  1. Pull + Hang Power Clean 3x(2×2)
  2. Front Squat With Bands (Main Lift)
  3. RDL 3×6-8
  4. Bulgarian Split Squat 2×8-12
  5. Band Ab Curl 2×50

Day 3

GPP: Push Up 4×15, Face Pull 4×15

  1. Explosive Push Up 5×3
  2. Push Press (Main Lift)
  3. Pull Up 3×6-8
  4. DB Bench Press 2×10-25
  5. Inverted Row 2xAMAP

Day 4

GPP: Step Up 4×15

  1. KB Jump 5×3
  2. Low Bar Squat (Main Lift)
  3. Belt Squat 3×25
  4. Nordic Leg Curl 3xAMAP
  5. Ab Wheel 2xAMAP
  6. Side Plank 2x45sec

Hi I’m Dr. Ken Okada

I’m on a mission to simplify your health and fitness journey.

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